SparX Up Awards 2010, Competition for Local Start Up

Here is a chance for creative webpreneur to compete their website in SparX Up Awards 2010. SparX Up Awards is a web competition for digital startups in Indonesia. This competition is organized for the first time in Indonesia with the cooperation of SemutApi Colony,, and Daily Social.

“There are a very big number of internet users in Indonesia. This opens an opportunity for local start ups to make innovations as well as provide services and solutions. Besides that there are many webpreneur community in Indonesia, but they are scattered. They have not yet received public’s attention and appreciation,” disclosed Herman Kwok, Chairman SparX Up Awards 2010, Monday (11/10).

This is the reason for organising SparX Up Awards 2010. Various website works created from this competition are expected to be able to stimulate creative digital industry in this country, so as they would be able to compete internationally. Besides that, SparX Up Awards is here as place for many local start up to communicate with one another and enrich their knowledge. The main programme will be in upcoming November.

What are the requirements to enter this competition? “Website work of the participant should not be under a big brand or company, has been in operation for less than 3 years, has not more than 20 staff and employees, and earns an income of less than IDR1 billion a year,” said Herman.

This competition is divided into 8 categories that is Best Social Networking Site, Best Mobile, Best Use of Technology, Best e Commerce, Best Games, Best User Generated Content, Best Portal, and Best WAP. To-date, there are already 270 startups who have registered their websites in SparX Up Awards 2010.

If you have a website and have the courage in taking part in this competition, register your Website immediately to Don’t waste this opportunity as various attractive prizes await you. Registration of this competition will close on 15 October 2010.