
1. Best Social Networking Site
This category is for website which provides social interaction facility for user trough web or wap.

2. Best Mobile
This category is for website development specialized in cellular handset. Creativity in developing features is being utilized maximum in application in cellular phone.

3. Best Use of Technology
Websites which prioritizes new technology or creative and useful modification is in this category.

4. Best e Commerce
This category is for website which provides facility for commercial transaction between users (B2B2C), such as online marketplace.

5. Best Games
This is a special category for website which provides games, whether online or offline.

6. Best User Generated Content
This category is for website which provides interaction place between visitors (web 2.0). All contents made by visitors and to be consumed by visitors.

7. Best Portal
Category for portal is website which has function as gate or portal which provides all-in-one information from any kinds of source. Besides standard feature of search engine, portal web also provides some services such as e-mail, news, database, information, and entertainment.

8. Best WAP
This category is for WAP site on cellular phone. Generally, there are more texts than images. WAP site design must consider the small screen size factor.